Our KinderBridge program is for four-year-old and young five-year-old students, to prepare them for academic, social and emotional success in kindergarten and beyond. Instruction is hands-on and differentiated. Students develop a foundation of social skills, language/reading, math and science, in an age-appropriate manner. These foundational skills help students develop a lifelong love of learning. Students receive individual attention, and concepts and curriculum are presented in a manner that is suited to your child’s unique needs.
Students in the KinderBridge program must be at least four years old by August 31 of the respective school year, and must be fully potty trained. Before- and after-school care is available if needed. See our preschool extended care page for more information.

We offer the following classes:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 8:30 a.m. – 2:50 p.m. | $525/month |
Monday - Friday | 8:30 a.m. – 2:50 p.m. | $850/month |
Tuition Due Dates:
Tuition is due the first of each month, August through May.
KinderBridge Educational Goals:
Social Goals:
- Establish friendships
- Show respect
- Use words to solve problems and resolve conflicts
Fine Motor Goals:
- Scissor skills
- Pincer grasp/pencil grasp
- Handwriting
Math Goals:
- Number mastery to 30 (identifying/counting/writing)
- 2D Shape Mastery with 3D shapes as applicable
- Sorting and patterning mastery
- Measurement and graphing as applicable
English Language Arts Goals:
- Read/write first and last name
- Alphabet mastery (identifying letters/sounds/writing)
- Decodable word reading
- Sight words as applicable